Manual scalp massager that helps improve blood circulation in the scalp. Provides a pleasant stimulation and activates the supply of oxygen and growth-promoting substances to the hair follicles. Recommended for use together with strengthening sprays, as well as during scalp cleansing for deeper cleaning of the scalp.
Usage: Take the massager in your palm and lightly press. Massage the scalp in circular motions. Note that wide circular motions can tangle the hair, so the movements should be localized. Before using the massager on the scalp, distribute HAIR MIST or HAIR MEN MIST strengthening spray. Rinse the massager after use.
Quantity: 1 unit.
Manufacturer: FUSION MESO, France.
Reikalingas daiktas
Labai reikalingas daiktas naudojant plaukų kaukes, stiprinamuosius plaukų purškiklius ir pan. Jaučiu, kad padeda priemonėms labiau įsisavinti. Plius prie to paties galvos oda gerai išsimasažuoja. Super daiktas.